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Fun Klub


19 Oak Avenue, Pequannock, NJ  07440            PHONE-973-633-9007

Vacation Club is a safe and professionally supervised Holiday Program for children to meet with their friends! The program is for school age children Kindergarten-8th grade. 

Activities include arts and crafts, computers, sports, movies, gameroom events, contests and much more!

Program hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on days the children are scheduled off of school.  This program is held at the Pequannock Club at 19 Oak Ave.  

Although we provide this service on most "no school" days, we can not provide service for emergency school closings or on certain holidays.

We will be offering Vacation Club this year but only following the Pequannock District calendar.  Other towns may register if days are the same. 

Dates Vacation Club is available

April 14th-17th, 2025 (deadline to register April 1st)
